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Showing posts from September, 2012

Defrag Your Brain With a Spark File

\ Do you have a lot of ideas but no clue how to organize them? Or maybe ideas come to you and by the time you have a chance to record them, you've forgotten? Enter the Spark File. As Alex Hillman explains, this tool doesn't just capture half-baked ideas—it helps you turn small concepts into great things. Steven Johnson  is one of my favorite authors. I wish I could remember who introduced me to him so I could thank them. The first book of his I read was  The Invention of Air , and his most recent  Where Good Ideas Come From . Where Good Ideas Come From in 4 Minutes Recently, Steven started a series called " The Writers Room ". Truth be told, his last post is nearly a month old but has moved me so hard for the last month that I wanted to share. Enter the Spark File The  Spark File , Steven describes, is a process/tool that he uses to collect "half-baked ideas" and then revisit them. For eight years, he's maintained a single docu

Scientists Invent Method to Create Memories in Brains

OMG..!!!!! Can yyou Believe this...!!!! I find this extremely hard to believe, but according to new research published in Nature Neuroscience, scientists have invented a method to induce memories in brains for the first time in history. Total Recall—here we come. The  study —published by Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine's Professor of Neurosciences and Physiology/Biophysics Ben Strowbridge, PhD, and MD/PhD student Robert A. Hyde—shows a method to store different types of short-term memories, which they have successfully tested in brain tissue stored in vitro. Titled "Mnemonic Representations of Transient Stimuli and Temporal Sequences in Rodent Hippocampus In Vitro", their paper describes how they used a piece of mouse brain tissue to form the necessary circuits to record a short-term declarative memory. This type of memory can be something like names, places and events. These neural circuits—located in the hippocampus—retained the